
Posts Tagged ‘mother’s day’

“The older we grow the more precious become the recollections of childhood’s days, especially our memories of mother.  Her love and care halo her memory with a brighter radiance,  for we have discovered that nowhere else in the world is such loving self-sacrifice to be found.”- Laura Ingalls Wilder

I adore this picture of my little granddaughter hugging her mother.  Her expression is sweet happiness in the love of her mother’s arms.  May we remember the love of our mother’s arms today; the happiness of being a child and knowing as long as mother is near, the world is a safe place.  I think one of the closest things to God’s love, is the radiant love of a mother.  Self-sacrificing, unconditional, all protecting…a mother’s love.

Wishing each of you a wonderful Mother’s Day, and linking with Spiritual Sunday this weekend.

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